Quick Start

This is a svery small set of instructions for the users that just want to install a package, and don’t care about things like which package manager g-octave will use or where g-octave will store your files.

Installing g-Octave

With layman installed, install the science overlay:

# layman -a science

Install g-octave:

# emerge -av g-octave

Install g-octave’s package database:

# emerge --config g-octave

Installing the package

If you don’t care about configurations, the default values are good enough for you, then just type:

# g-octave -av packagename

Just a line!

If you’re really lazy, you can just type (first time):

# layman -a science && emerge g-octave && emerge --config g-octave && g-octave packagename

and when you want to install other package, you can type:

# g-octave otherpackagename